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Peppermint – Essential oil

Mint is a perennial herb.

It has been cultivated since ancient times in Japan and China. In Egypt it has been found in tombs dating 1000BC .

Herbal and folk tradition saw eastern and western medicine using mint for –

Indigestion, Nausea, Sore throat, Diarrhoea, Tooth ache, Cramp.

Actions – analgesic, anti inflammatory, antimicrobial antipyretic, antispasmodic, antiviral, emménagogue, hepatic, vasoconstrictor, vermifuge.

Non toxic, non irritant.

Skin care – acne, dermatitis, ringworm.

Circulation – muscular pain, neuralgia, palpitations.

Respiratory – asthma, bronchitis, spasmodic cough, halitosis, sinusitis.

Digestive – colic, cramp, nausea.

Immune – colds, flu.

Nervous – migraine, nervous stress, fatigue, menstrual

Bespoke massage oil – handmade just for you.

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Organic unrefined – Grapeseed oil

Grapeseed – an extremely potent antioxidant, rich in Beta Carotene, Vitamins D, C, E.

This combination makes for –

  • anti-wrinkle,
  • reduce the appearance of scar tissue caused by severe acne,
  • healing of wounded skin,
  • helps to tighten the skin,
  • non-comedogenic – good for oily/acne prone skin,
  • excellent for sensitive skin
  • reduce the appearance of dark circles under the eyes
  • tighten the skin it is very useful in eye creams.

PURIFYING face cream