Here are a few words about me.

New Horizons was launched in 1990 in CHESHIRE. I first sold the products from my little Victorian salon and by mail order!
Do you remember those days before the internet?
I am a fully qualified in: Aromatherapy, Beauty Therapy and Body Massage.
New Horizons have spent many years sourcing the finest 100% organic aromatherapy oils, then blend them with the most natural base products available, giving us the very best products obtainable, so as to care, for you and your body.
Every product is blended with ‘love’, using the finest ingredients possible, to give you, our wonderful often described as ‘divine’ products.
Today I blend these products in our home with scrupulous standards. All the products have had the whole family, friends and customers input.
My father designed the logo, (which is a picture of my little Victorian shop), 28 years ago. More recently my husband, children and their boyfriends/girlfriends have been coming up with the new names, photographs and ideas. Even Scooby, our rescue dog. has been involved! Our late Labrador had aromatherapy weekly, it particularly assisted him when passing to the other side.
We are an ethical company as I am an Eco warrior, I believe in looking after ourselves, others and the planet, avoiding the use of single use plastics and harmful chemicals wherever possible.
If I can walk or cycle I will, rather than take the car.
I walk daily and buy from our local market, avoiding plastic packaging.

At New Horizons we are passionate about protecting our planet and wildlife. There is nothing more important than ensuring that our children and all our wildlife can enjoy a beautiful, vibrant and healthy planet for years to come.
For this reason we are totally committed to ensuring that our products are as natural as possible and have the absolute minimum impact upon the environment.
Where possible glass is used for all our bottles and we provide all our refills in corn-starch based biodegradable packaging.