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Exam stress?

Just sold two bottles of Basil Blitz air spray.

Exam stress? Basil Blitz air spray

Featuring: Rosemary, Thyme, Clary sage and Basil, giving you a slightly aniseed aroma mixed with a profusion of garden herbs.

This bend is ideal to help banish colds, flu, ailments of the head and chest.

  • Rosemary – detoxifying, deodorising and clears wooliness from our mind. Strengthen the memory and visualise yourself easily and confidently passing that all important exam.
  • Thyme – the most antiseptic of all essential oils and stimulates the immune system.
  • Clary Sage – Cooling and easing sore throats, allays stress, anxiety and depression and in doing so gives us the ability to expand our range of experiences both emotionally and creatively.
  • Basil – Used for respiratory problems such as bronchitis, colds, asthma and flu fatigue. Stimulates, clears the brain and intellect thus aiding concentration. Has been known to help ease migraines.

This luxurious formula is said to be cooling and revive the inner body and mind.